Join Shortly in the Hunt for more Werewolves!
Everyone loves fluffy animals, especially our four-legged friends with their wet noses. There’s something heartwarming about the companionship of a furry friend, their soft fur providing comfort and their playful antics bringing joy. Who wouldn’t want to be warmed on a chilly evening, with the full moon in full bloom, by a furry companion on the couch while watching fantastic short films on their massive TV? The presence of a loyal pet makes the experience all the more enjoyable, adding a layer of warmth and coziness to the ambiance.
We at also love these furballs, especially those that need to be disciplined with silver, often in the form of bullets. There’s a unique charm to these mythical creatures, the werewolves, that captivates our imagination. Just remember to keep the TV volume high, as the howling of the doggies can be quite intrusive. Their haunting cries add a thrilling element to the night, making the viewing experience even more immersive.
Sure, there’s the occasional issue of a werewolf shedding fur all over your favorite spot on the couch, or the fact that they might eye your leg like it’s a delicious drumstick. But who can resist those big, yellow eyes and that wild, untamed grin? After all, nothing says “man’s best friend” quite like a creature that transforms into a beast under the full moon.
Like with vampires, there is something primal and ancient about the idea of lycanthropes. These creatures tap into our deepest fears and desires, embodying the wild, untamed aspects of our nature. To run naked through the night and embrace your basic instincts, to give in to your lust without responsibility, is incredibly liberating. It’s a chance to shed the constraints of civilization and reconnect with the raw, animalistic side of ourselves. The allure of such freedom is powerful, making the myth of the werewolf enduringly fascinating.
So, the next time you’re curled up on the couch, enjoying a short film, and you hear a distant howl, just remember: it’s all part of the charm. Embrace the thrill of the supernatural, and who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself longing for a night run through the woods under the full moon, guided by nothing but your instincts and the call of the wild.
Hunters cabin
Canada, 15 minutes
A young father withdraws to a remote hunting cabin to face his curse alone, but he’s not the only one with a dark past in the woods that night.
Nothing says “man’s best friend” quite like a creature that transforms into a beast under the full moon.
There is something profoundly intriguing about the idea of drinking each other’s blood, don’t you think? The act itself transcends mere consumption; it’s a ritual of intimacy and connection.
The Guy N. Smith Short Film Challenge
🔥NEW DEADLINE October 25🔥
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